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How to Help your Candidates Relax at an Interview

13 Jun 2023

Candidates will more often than not give their best performance at an interview when they feel relaxed, comfortable and welcomed. We've just a few tips here that you should bear in mind next time you're interviewing to make sure you let the candidate perform as well as they can:

Whilst there often needs to be a certain level of formality, there's no need to go overboard! Calling people Mr Jones, or Miss Smith, when you can quite easily use their first name, is a no-no.

  • Smile! This sounds like an overly straightforward answer, but it goes a long way to making candidates feel welcome and will help put them at ease.
  • Candidates will often have an expectation to shake hands with their interviewers when they meet them. Oddly, we've seen some interviewers state that their policy is 'not to shake hands at interviews'. It's bizarre!  Imagine how you would feel if you went to shake someone's hand and they turned away or broke eye contact to avoid it. It's a surefire way to put the candidate into confidence-reduction mode. Shaking hands is the standard, courteous, professional and welcoming way of greeting people, so just get on with it!
  • Before the interview officially begins, explain to the candidate precisely what will happen. Set out the interview format, explain that you'll be taking some brief notes, reassure them that you want to hear how their skills and experiences match the job requirements you are looking to fill, and confirm that there are no right or wrong answers. You just want the candidate to be themselves. A great way to help put them at ease is to explain that if they need time to answer a question, they should take it. There's no rush to answer, and nobody is trying to trip them up,  
  • Make sure there's some water/tea/coffee for the candidate. If anything, it gives them a minor distraction while they are thinking of their answers, as well as helping them out when that frog inconveniently appears in their throat.
  • Eye contact - make sure you make it when you ask the candidate questions, and your body language shows you are interested in what they are saying. Don't sit there with your arms crossed, doodling and waiting for them to finish their sentence. Active listening is a key component of interview skills from the perspective of the interviewer as well as the interviewee, so practice your interview technique to ensure that you are doing this well.
  • And finally, show your appreciation for what they are saying. Asking probing questions when they have provided an example of their achievements shows you are listening to what they have to contribute and that you are taking a genuine interest!

We know many of these seem like common sense, but it's surprising how many recruiters don't take the time to put them into practice! This means that their interviewees often turn in sub-optimal performances which don’t actually benefit anyone involved.