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When to Apply for an Apprenticeship

16 May 2023

Apprenticeships are a great way to learn a totally new job; successful applicants for apprenticeships receive training from both employer and education provider, and earn money at the same time! This is sometimes referred to as earning as you are learning and it makes apprenticeships an increasingly attractive option.

They provide an excellent alternative to University education for those who don’t want to study full-time, but who want to learn a trade/profession and get a foot in the door of their ideal employer or career path.

One of the strongest reasons for the success of apprenticeships is that they are offered across a wide range of different academic levels, from Intermediate to Advanced, Higher and Degree levels, with each of these apprenticeship “levels” corresponding to a different academic achievement at the end of the apprenticeship.

This means that apprenticeships are perfect for people who are at different stages of academic success. The Intermediate apprenticeships are a good fit for people who have left school with few qualifications, and the degree-level apprenticeships allow a route to an undergraduate degree qualification while actually getting paid, rather than racking up debt in order to qualify. 

Many people think Apprenticeships commence in September, at the start of an Academic Year. It’s common knowledge that most further education courses start in September, and therefore not an unreasonable expectation that apprenticeship opportunities and work-based learning programmes commence at the same time.

Nowadays though, many employers start their search for apprentices throughout the year simply due to business need, and this has meant that educational institutions, both Colleges and private providers, have become flexible enough to take in apprenticeship students at many points throughout the year to ensure apprentices can benefit from learning while they earn. 

The range of different apprenticeships that is on offer throughout the UK is huge, and apprenticeships are helping employers to plug the UK skills gap that has come about as a result of a combination of Brexit and the Covid pandemic. Many companies are finding that they have skills gaps and vacancies, and they are increasingly turning toward apprenticeships to fill that gap.

The beauty of apprenticeships is how they are structured as national qualifications called Apprenticeship Standards. Companies know that if they want someone for a particular job role, an apprentice who undertook a particular apprenticeship in Manchester will have the same level of training as someone on the same apprenticeship in Liverpool, Birmingham or London.

You can apply now if you are looking for an apprenticeship in IT, Digital Marketing, Admin, Beauty or Customer Service! There are many opportunities around in all sectors and throughout the UK.

The experience in the job roles that apprentices receive means that they are far ahead of those who undertook university degree courses in terms of actual job experience by the time of graduation. Former apprentices who completed their time are often able to gain quick promotions and remain within the company they apprenticed with. has an astounding number of apprenticeship positions across the UK and many other jobs!